Latest News on Wild First
18 Jun
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MP Goldsmith-Jones, The time has come to transition to closed containment salmon aquaculture in British Columbia

June 13, 2018 Dear Editor, The time has come to transition to closed containment salmon aquaculture in British Columbia It is time to transition British Columbia’s open-net salmon aquaculture industry to closed containment. Momentum is gathering globally – and close to home – for very good reasons. Today, industry and communities face significant challenges which […]

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Latest News on Wild First
03 May
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Open-Net Pen Salmon Farms a “Bad Deal” for BC say 9 in 10 BC Residents

A Mainstreet Research poll of BC residents shows that an overwhelming majority of BC residents who have an opinion (86%) think the BC government is getting a bad deal from open-net pen salmon farms. “Over three quarters of residents have an opinion on whether rents paid by BC salmon farmers are a good deal or […]

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Latest News on Wild First
26 Apr
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Smothered Reef: Salmon Farms and Glass Sponges in British Columbia

“Be safe!” yelled Farlyn as I rolled out of our small zodiac. Zipped tightly into my drysuit, with camera in hand, I ducked under the surface and descended into the blackness. My sister had maneuvered the boat over top of a very extraordinary reef in Musgamagw Dzawada’enuxw territory in the Broughton Archipelago off northern Vancouver […]

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Latest News on Wild First
25 Apr
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Federal and provincial governments get failing grades on protecting BC wild salmon: poll of British Columbians

New public opinion research shows that British Columbians overwhelmingly support greater protection of wild salmon populations by government. A new survey by Mainstreet Research shows that BC residents think both the federal and provincial governments are not doing a good job of protecting BC’s wild salmon population, and they expect better. “The importance of protecting […]

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Latest News on Wild First
24 Apr
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Independent Government Audit Takes Issue With DFO’s Regulation of Salmon Farms

This morning the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development issued her Independent Auditor’s Report on salmon farming. The audit looked at whether Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) manage the risks associated with open net-pen salmon farming in a manner that protected wild fish. The Commissioner identified risks […]

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Latest News on Wild First
28 Mar
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Report: Speaking for the Salmon

Scientists and experts from academia, First Nations, industry, non-profit organizations and government from Western Canada, Atlantic Canada, Norway, Ireland, Iceland and the US met and pooled expertise to assess the status of Pacific Salmon, and to advance opportunities for science-based management to address their multiple stressors.

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