Give wild Pacific salmon a fighting chance


The federal government is asking for your input on the future of open-net pen salmon farms in coastal BC waters

Let your MP, Minister Joyce Murray, and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau know that you are opposed to ocean-based salmon farms in coastal BC waters. It’s time for these toxic farms to be removed to protect wild Pacific salmon.

Click the link below to send a letter to help ensure the end of ocean-based salmon farms.

Latest News

Federal ban on open-net pens in BC protects wild salmon

Wild salmon return to Broughton Archipelago after salmon farms removed

Open-net pens exploit the marine environment

DFO’s sea lice threshold fails to protect wild Pacific salmon

Open-net pen salmon farms threaten the survival of wild Pacific salmon

86% of British Columbians are concerned about declining wild salmon stocks. 75% of British Columbians support transition away from open net pen fish farms. (Insights West poll, July 2021)
For over 30 years, open net pen fish farms have been releasing parasites, pathogens & pollutants directly into wild Pacific salmon migration routes—with deadly consequences. Where open-net pen salmon farms have been removed, returning salmon runs are exceeding forecasts and the salmon are clear of sea lice.

Hear from Robert Chamberlin, Chair of the First Nation Wild Salmon Alliance, on the importance of wild Pacific salmon to First Nations food security, culture and traditions. “90% of BC First Nations rely upon wild salmon. Wild salmon is far more than a menu choice, it is the foundation for culture, traditions and of course a staple traditional food and its becoming near impossible to obtain for these purposes.”

Hear from Dr. Gideon Mordecai (UBC) on the overwhelming evidence that PRV poses a risk to wild Pacific salmon and how that risk is amplified by open net pen salmon farms. Dr. Gideon references the recent Globe and Mail article showcasing that this evidence was suppressed for 10 years by DFO.

New research from UBC, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Genome BC and Pacific Salmon Foundation confirms that farmed Atlantic salmon are the source of PRV (piscine orthoreovirus) in BC waters.

Dr. Kristi Miller-Saunders (DFO scientist) on the devastating impact of Tenacibaculum on wild Pacific salmon.

Wild First Voices

Chef Carmen Ingham

Executive Chef at Wickaninnish Inn Tofino

“There’s nothing in my mind that’s more important than wild salmon,” says Chef Carmen Ingham, Executive Chef at the Wickaninnish Inn.

First Nations leaders

First Nations across BC

Wild Pacific salmon are integral to Indigenous culture, traditions and livelihoods. Hear from First Nations leaders across BC on why we must protect this essential species.

Rick Hansen

Founder, Rick Hansen Foundation

Rick Hansen, founder of Rick Hansen Foundation, on the urgent need to work together to protect wild Pacific salmon. Join the movement and sign the Wild First Pledge.

Nicole Holman


Nicole Holman of Clayoquot Action on the need to end the pens to protect communities dependent on wild Pacific salmon. “This is for a better future.”

Fiona Beaty

PhD Candidate

Hear from Fiona Beaty, PhD Candidate, UBC Department of Zoology, on taking action to remove open net pen fish farms from BC waters.

Robert Chamberlin

Chair, First Nation Wild Salmon Alliance

Bob Chamberlin, Chair of the First Nation Wild Salmon Alliance, on what’s at stake if open net pen fish farms remain in BC waters.

The way forward

The federal government has mandated that it will work with the province and Indigenous communities to create “a responsible plan to transition from open net pen salmon farming in coastal British Columbia waters by 2025.”

But open net pen fish farmers are resisting this mandate. Meanwhile, these fish farms continue to spread parasites and diseases into BC waters, with devastating consequences for communities and ecosystems across the province.

Years in the making

The transition away from open net pen fish farms has been years in the making.

The effects of open net pen fish farms on wild Pacific salmon have been well researched and documented for decades. Open net pen fish farm companies have had extensive notice that a transition to modern sustainable aquaculture, through land-based closed containment, was coming.

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